The Journey Begins

Finally I decided to tread on this uncharted waters,not certain of what the voyage holds or the ETA(estimated time of arrival) but certain of the destination though the destination seems out of sight.

Thanks for coming on board. Sit back and enjoy the cruise as we set sail. It will be worth the time.

So welcome to this cruise ship, “Vikthor’s Archives”



Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


Faith: Living ahead of the time

I guess I can say I finally understand why I named it ‘archives’😂. A piece I wrote while struggling in medical school some years ago. Enjoy 🤗

“There were times when I doubted my abilities to be in medical college. It didn’t just seem right, it looked like I escorted some people to school, more like a spectator in a football match. “I am not qualified to be here” I thought to myself.
The battle of survival began and just like gladiators, each chose his/her choice weapon. I chose mine but at some point, it failed me. While blaming me innocent weapon (maybe it wasn’t all that innocent but someone had to take the fall, who else if not the non sentient being that couldn’t defend itself), I kept alternating weapons, none seemed to be helpful (it could be that they conspired against me but I guess I’d never know 😂). I mapped out different strategies but none made sense.
In all of this, one thing kept me going, just as a pregnant and an expectant mother would keep pushing, despite the pains of labour, despite the pangs and travail yet she keeps pressing. What keeps her pushing isn’t the enormous energy welled within her, no amount of adrenaline cannot support that. What gives her the strength to keep on pushing is the hope of the cry of her new born.
For me, I found my hope in God and what he has spoken in the volumes of books concerning me.
I kept pushing because He said He will see me through and that was enough for me. His word, each came according to its season and in the fullness of time, He perfected His word. I have tested and I have proved His faithfulness.
Know this, there is a word for every season; every situation or circumstance has an accompanying word, the issue is that we have not listened to hear it. The Word is a constant, it doesn’t matter what you are passing through, He has provided His word, listen, believe and act on it in faith. He did for me, He did for a great crowd of witness, He can do for you”

The interesting thing I noticed about this piece is the tenses used while writing it and the time it was written it. Note, I wrote the article while I was in medical school, somewhere in-between third and fourth year (the baptism of fire 😂) but I wrote it as though I was already done with school. To me, that was Faith, the substance of the things hope for and the evidence of things not seen. I was yet to get there in reality but I could already see it, believe it and live it. That’s what it means to be a generation that lives beyond the constrains of time.

By faith, we live ahead of the time

Big Dreams and Little Starts

It always starts with a dream. A vision of what you want your world to be. Then comes the fear of taking steps. Rhetorical questions begins to fill your head, how can these things be? What if I fail?  How do I start? Is this dream realistic?

It’s easy to dream you know, being your own script writer and director. The hard part is bringing your dreams into reality’s realm. The dream always seems bigger, of course it’s bigger but we fail to understand the strength of little things. The strength of the little drops of water that makes up the ocean, the strength of each step taken in the journey of a thousand mile.

Dreams are like babies. They have the potential to grow but they are not birthed already grown. At birth, they are small and fragile. They are nurtured, groomed and feed until they actualize their full potential. Don’t aim to jump up, aim to grow up. Those that jump up to reach their desires end up returning to their initial state because gravity will always bring them down but those who grew up to achieve theirs already have their feet rooted on the ground.

Don’t wait for that big moment when everything is favourable. You won’t start until you start. Start fixing in the little pieces, it might not make sense but keep on at it until you create the perfect picture. The small and seemly unreasonable steps matters a lot, let no one tell you otherwise. You may be slow but be steady, gradually you will get to your destination. Remember that every tree was once a seed.

Learn to dream big and start small

Zechariah 4:10.  “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand” (NLT)